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MAX YOUR ENCAP! Your Source For Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Supplies
Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant - Broad Spectrum Disinfecting That's Safe -

Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant - Broad Spectrum Disinfecting That's Safe

Bioesque Broad Spectrum Botanical Disinfectant

Disinfecting has become an integral part of the services cleaners provide their customers, particularly since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant is a remarkable "green" product for safe disinfection of all hard surfaces, and for sanitizing soft surfaces such as carpet. Powered by Thymox technology, Bioesque utilizes the all-natural antimicrobial agent Thymol to power through germs on a variety of hard and soft surfaces.

How To Disinfect Hard Surfaces & Sanitize Carpet With Bioesque

Disinfecting hard surfaces is a valuable service that can improve the lives of the people we serve! Yet it's important to remember that carpet and "soft" surfaces are porous. And there is no EPA approval for claims of disinfection on carpet. Some carpet cleaners will state that they can disinfect carpet, however such claims should be avoided. It's simply not possible to address the microbial content that may have penetrated the carpet fiber. However, it is possible to drastically reduce the microbial content and improve the overall health of the carpet. Thorough cleaning along with the application of a botanical disinfectant can improve the sanitary condition of the carpet. And that level of sanitizing can be beneficial.

Antimicrobial products that are EPA registered to be used as carpet sanitizers have been specifically formulated to penetrate porous surfaces such as carpet. Because these products are designed to be used with carpet they won't bind with soils or carpet fiber the way that quaternary disinfectants would. Bioesque falls into this category. The company states that it can Sanitize Soft Surfaces in just 2 minutes.

With Bioesque you can safely provide hard surface disinfection, as well as carpet "sanitizing".

Work Safe!

It's been assumed for years that disinfectants would need to be toxic to humans to be able to do their job. However in recent years there has been an emergence of new antimicrobial products with botanical disinfectant properties. Using Thymol (a derivative of the thyme herb) these products are safe to use without the deleterious effects associated with traditional quaternary products.

Bioeseque Botanical Disinfectant is safe and highly effective as a broad-spectrum disinfectant. Kills germs, yet keeps you safe, your technicians safe, and your customer's safe.Here's a List of Bioesque's Botanical

Disinfectant Features:

  • Approved by the U.S. EPA for use on hard non-porous surfaces against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) in just 55 seconds.
  • Kills Norovirus in just 4 MinutesEPA Registered
  • Broad-Spectrum DisinfectantKills 99.9% of Bacteria, Viruses*, Fungi & MoldsBactericidal, Virucidal*, Tuberculocidal, and Fungicidal**Disinfect,
  • Sanitize, Clean, and Deodorize in ONE STEP
  • Kills, Destroys and Eliminates Household Germs
  • No Rinse Required, even on food contact surfaces
  • Sanitizes Soft Surfaces in just 2 minutes
  • Eliminates 99.9% of most Allergens upon contact
  • Formulated for use with Mechanical, manual, or battery/power operated sprayers
  • Kills Odor Causing Bacteria
  • Kills bacteria that can cause food poisoning
  • One-step Hospital Disinfectant Cleaner
  • Non-Abrasive and Non-Corrosive
  • Non-Flammable – No Harmful Chemicals
  • Cleans and Disinfects without Bleaching
  • Free from Chlorine and Phosphates
  • No Signal Words or Warnings Needed
  • No Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Needed

Ready-to-Use Formula / Safe for Everyday Use

  • Pleasant Lemongrass Grapefruit Scent
  • Effectively Controls Unpleasant Strong Odors
  • Botanically Derived Active Ingredient
  • Formulated with Patented Technology
  • Effective in Restoration and Remediation
  • Safe for Use on Water Mitigation (Sewage Back Up, Water Damage)
  • Formulated without phthalates, propylparaben, butylparaben, formaldehyde, formaldehyde-dnors, or NPE’s
~ Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (1 gallon)

~ Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (1 gallon)

28.50 USD

35.19 USD

• Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (4 gallon case)

• Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (4 gallon case)

109.85 USD

131.94 USD

~ Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (1 quart)

~ Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (1 quart)

9.70 USD

• Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (12 quart case)

• Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solution (12 quart case)

97.95 USD

116.40 USD

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