Launch a profitable commercial carpet cleaning business. Easy.

Generate over $400 per hour.

A good encapsulation system can clean at a rate of 2,000-3,000 square feet per hour. The national average for commercial carpet cleaning is 20¢ per square foot. It's easy to yield over $400 per hour.

Low investment to get started.

A professional encapsulation scrubber can be purchased for under $4,500. Financing is also available.

Simple turnkey system.

Encapsulation carpet cleaning is so simple that a new technician can be trained in a day. Making it easy to employ part-time or full-time help as you expand your business.

Exceptional results.

A good encapsulation carpet cleaning program can extend the life of the carpet, keeping it looking clean and bright on a day-in day-out basis. Clean carpet improves the indoor environment for your customer and increases your company's value in the process.

Select an encapsulation scrubber that fits your business style.

We're ready to help you each step of the way.

Reach out to our team of Encap Professionals. Call us at 1-800-330-1888, or fill in the contact form below.
We can help you obtain the financing you need to get your new business started.
Apply Now For Financing
Launch a profitable commercial carpet cleaning business. Easy. READ MORE Generate over $400 per hour. A good encapsulation system can clean at a rate of 2,000-3,000 square feet per hour. The national average for commercial carpet cleaning is 20¢ per square foot. It's easy to yield over $400 per hour. Low investment to get started. A professional encapsulation scrubber can be purchased for under $4,500. Financing is also available. Simple turnkey system. Encapsulation carpet cleaning is so simple that a new technician can be trained in a day. Making it easy to employ part-time or full-time help as you expand your business. Exceptional results. A good encapsulation carpet cleaning program can extend the life of the carpet, keeping it looking clean and bright on a day-in day-out basis. Clean carpet improves the indoor environment for your customer and increases your company's value in the process. Select an encapsulation scrubber that fits your business style. {% assign oriProduct = product %} {% assign product = all_products['cimex-cr48-19-inch-carpet-scrubber-with-pad-drivers'] %} {% if product %} {% assign imageLink = '' %} {% if product.images.size > 0 %} {% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% assign alternateImageLink = imageLink %} {% if product.images.size > 1 %} {% assign alternateImageLink = product.images[1].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% if imageLink != '' %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'zoom' %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'alternate' %} {% endif %} {% else %} This product has no images. {% endif %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{product.title}} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = 1 %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.available %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = forloop.index %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip_html %} {% if currencySymbol == '' %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip_html %} {% endif %} {% assign currencyToken = currencySymbol %} {% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %} {% assign priceIntegralLength = priceIntegral | size %} {% assign priceIntegralDigits = priceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign priceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in priceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = priceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign price = priceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %} {% if oriPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralLength = oriPriceIntegral | size %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralDigits = oriPriceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in oriPriceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = oriPriceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = '' %} {% endif %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %} {% if forloop.index == defaultVariantIndex %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %} {{currencyToken}} {{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}   {{currencyToken}} {{oriPrice}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = 1 %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.available %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = forloop.index %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign defaultIndex = defaultVariantIndex | minus: 1 %} {% assign soldOut = false %} {% assign soldOutData = '' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.inventory_management == 'shopify' and variant.inventory_policy == 'deny' and variant.inventory_quantity == 0 %} {% assign soldOutData = soldOutData | append: | append: ' ' %} {% if forloop.index == defaultVariantIndex %} {% assign soldOut = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if false %}   {% endif %} {% if soldOut %} Sold out {% else %} Add to cart {% endif %} {% else %} No products found. Please add some products to your store first. {% endif %} {% assign product = oriProduct %} {% assign oriProduct = product %} {% assign product = all_products['phoenix-16-op-machine-orbital-encap-scrubber'] %} {% if product %} {% assign imageLink = '' %} {% if product.images.size > 0 %} {% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% assign alternateImageLink = imageLink %} {% if product.images.size > 1 %} {% assign alternateImageLink = product.images[1].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% if imageLink != '' %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'zoom' %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'alternate' %} {% endif %} {% else %} This product has no images. {% endif %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{product.title}} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = 1 %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.available %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = forloop.index %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip_html %} {% if currencySymbol == '' %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip_html %} {% endif %} {% assign currencyToken = currencySymbol %} {% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %} {% assign priceIntegralLength = priceIntegral | size %} {% assign priceIntegralDigits = priceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign priceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in priceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = priceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign price = priceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %} {% if oriPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralLength = oriPriceIntegral | size %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralDigits = oriPriceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in oriPriceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = oriPriceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = '' %} {% endif %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %} {% if forloop.index == defaultVariantIndex %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %} {{currencyToken}} {{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}   {{currencyToken}} {{oriPrice}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = 1 %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.available %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = forloop.index %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign defaultIndex = defaultVariantIndex | minus: 1 %} {% assign soldOut = false %} {% assign soldOutData = '' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.inventory_management == 'shopify' and variant.inventory_policy == 'deny' and variant.inventory_quantity == 0 %} {% assign soldOutData = soldOutData | append: | append: ' ' %} {% if forloop.index == defaultVariantIndex %} {% assign soldOut = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if false %}   {% endif %} {% if soldOut %} Sold out {% else %} Add to cart {% endif %} {% else %} No products found. Please add some products to your store first. {% endif %} {% assign product = oriProduct %} {% assign oriProduct = product %} {% assign product = all_products['brushmaster-pro35-17-inch-crb-with-onboard-spray-system'] %} {% if product %} {% assign imageLink = '' %} {% if product.images.size > 0 %} {% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% assign alternateImageLink = imageLink %} {% if product.images.size > 1 %} {% assign alternateImageLink = product.images[1].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% if imageLink != '' %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'zoom' %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'alternate' %} {% endif %} {% else %} This product has no images. {% endif %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{product.title}} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = 1 %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.available %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = forloop.index %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip_html %} {% if currencySymbol == '' %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip_html %} {% endif %} {% assign currencyToken = currencySymbol %} {% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %} {% assign priceIntegralLength = priceIntegral | size %} {% assign priceIntegralDigits = priceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign priceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in priceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = priceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign price = priceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %} {% if oriPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralLength = oriPriceIntegral | size %} {% assign oriPriceIntegralDigits = oriPriceIntegral | split: '' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = '' %} {% for digit in oriPriceIntegralDigits %} {% assign periodIndex = oriPriceIntegralLength | minus: forloop.index %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | plus: 1 %} {% assign periodIndex = periodIndex | modulo: 3 %} {% if forloop.index != 1 and periodIndex == 0 %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: ',' %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceIntegral | append: digit %} {% endfor %} {% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = '' %} {% endif %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %} {% if forloop.index == defaultVariantIndex %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: | append: '" ' %} {{currencyToken}} {{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}   {{currencyToken}} {{oriPrice}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = 1 %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.available %} {% assign defaultVariantIndex = forloop.index %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign defaultIndex = defaultVariantIndex | minus: 1 %} {% assign soldOut = false %} {% assign soldOutData = '' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.inventory_management == 'shopify' and variant.inventory_policy == 'deny' and variant.inventory_quantity == 0 %} {% assign soldOutData = soldOutData | append: | append: ' ' %} {% if forloop.index == defaultVariantIndex %} {% assign soldOut = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if false %}   {% endif %} {% if soldOut %} Sold out {% else %} Add to cart {% endif %} {% else %} No products found. Please add some products to your store first. {% endif %} {% assign product = oriProduct %} We're ready to help you each step of the way. Reach out to our team of Encap Professionals. Call us at 1-800-330-1888, or fill in the contact form below. {% assign formId = 'contact_' | append: 'znid-334142923029' %} {% form 'contact', id: formId, class: 'zn-contact-form' %} {% if true %} {% if 'Your name:' != '' %} Your name: {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'Your email:' != '' %} Your email: {% endif %} {% if true %} {% if 'Phone number:' != '' %} Phone number: {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'Message:' != '' %} Message: {% endif %} {% if false %} I agree to receive news and updates. {% endif %} Send {% if form.posted_successfully? %} {% if 'message' == 'redirect' %} var redirectUrl = ''; if (redirectUrl) { window.location.href = redirectUrl; } {% else %} Thank you for your submission. {% endif %} {% elsif form.errors %} The information is not valid. Please try again. {% endif %} {% endform %} We can help you obtain the financing you need to get your new business started.