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MAX YOUR ENCAP! Your Source For Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Supplies
MAX YOUR ENCAP! Your Source For Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Supplies

What is Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning, or "Encap"?

The Encapsulation Cleaning Process

Encapsulation fixes common commercial carpet cleaning problems
It eliminates recurring spill stains and wicking. The crystallizing polymer encapsulates soil so it can be extracted with routine vacuuming. There is no sticky residue so it can't attract soil. What you'll see is incredibly bright and clean carpet, day-in day-out.

How soil affects carpet

Most dry soil in a commercial setting can be readily removed by routine dry vacuuming. It’s the oily and sticky soils that attract and hold dry soil to the surface. The result is a dull, gray, and ugly appearance.

Encapsulation chemistry cleans better and helps carpet stay clean longer
The first step in effectively cleaning any carpet is to counteract sticky soils. The encapsulation chemistry surrounds each soil particle and crystallizes so it can’t attract other soil. The encapsulated particles release from the fiber and are easily extracted with normal vacuuming. And since there's no dirt attracting residue left behind, the carpet stays clean longer.

Proven technology within the commercial carpet industry
A number of the largest commercial carpet manufacturers in the country are recommending and/or using various forms of encapsulation cleaning to maintain their commercial floor coverings.

Why is crystallization so important?

Releasit® brand products employ an innovative polymer technology to form a distinct crystal when it dries. The crystal is the vehicle that enables a good encapsulation detergent to capture soil so it can be removed through post-vacuuming. Although some products may claim to "encapsulate" on the label and they may get the carpet to look good initially, (it's easy to get a carpet to look cleaner) the real concern should be whether or not the encapsulated soil can be removed with post-vacuuming.

Here's a simple test that you can perform to establish what an "encapsulation" product does when it dries. It's very easy. Just take a few drops of the product and dry it in a glass dish overnight. Check the content the next day. Did it form a true crystal? Does it readily release from the dish? Or did it dry sticky, gooey? Was it not completely dried? Or was it possibly stuck like a barnacle to the dish?

This simple dish-drying test will reveal the products soil releasing ability. A good encapsulation product should form a distinct crystal that will break up and release from the dish. Keep in mind that crystallization is the medium that holds the soil in suspension until it can be extracted with post-vacuuming. The soil can't be vacuumed from the carpet if poor crystallizing or no crystallizing occurs.