Rock Candy Floor Finish | Multi-Purpose High-Performance Floor Coating (single gallon)
22% High-Solids Urethane Enhanced Floor Finish
PROVEN PERFORMANCE! The original formula was perfected over 30 years ago and has continued to evolve.

ROCK CANDY can be applied to all types of flooring:
- Sealed Wood
- Wood Laminate
- Vinyl Flooring
- LVP, Luxury Vinyl Plank
- LVP, Luxury Vinyl Tile
- Laminate Flooring
- VCT, Vinyl Composition Tile
- Terrazzo
- Marble (honed)
- Quarry Tile
- Concrete (honed)
- Rubber Flooring
FEATURES & BENEFITS: Urethane Fortified! Crystal Clear Film, High Solids, Extremely Durable, Burnishable, Black Mark Resistant.
COVERAGE: 2000-2500 sq.ft./gal. for proper film formation.
STRIP & RE-COAT: (1) Dust mop entire area to be stripped. Remove gum labels and sticky waste with a scraper. (2) Place “Wet Floor” signs around area to be stripped. (3) Dilute the recommended stripping solution according to label directions. (4) Liberally apply stripping solution to the floor. Allow product to remain on surface for 6-8 minutes. (5) Manually scrub all corners and edges that the machine cannot reach. (6) Scrub the floor with a machine equipped with appropriate stripping pad or brush. Do not allow stripping solution to dry onto floor. If this occurs, re-wet surface with stripping solution and scrub. (7) Pick up the stripping solution with a wet vac. (8) If a “Rinse Required” stripper was used, liberally apply clean rinse water to area just stripped. Recover with a wet pick up vacuum and proceed to step 9. If a “Rinse Free” stripper is used proceed to step 9. (9) Damp mop area including corners and edges with clean water. Allow floor to air dry thoroughly.
SCRUB & RE-COAT: (1) Dust mop entire area to be scrubbed. Remove gum labels and sticky waste with a scraper. (2) Place “Wet Floor” signs around area to be scrubbed. (3) Dilute the recommended scrubbing solution according to label directions. (4) Liberally apply scrubbing solution to the floor. Allow product to remain on surface for 6-8 minutes. (5) Manually scrub all corners and edges that the machine cannot reach. (6) Scrub the floor with a machine equipped with appropriate stripping pad or brush. Do not allow scrubbing solution to dry onto floor. If this occurs, re-wet surface with scrubbing solution and scrub. (7) Pick up the scrubbing solution with a wet vac. (8) Damp mop area including all corners and edges with clean water. Allow floor to air dry thoroughly.
RE-COATING: (1) Pre-soak finish mop in clean, cold water to remove lint. (Do NOT use any mop that has been contaminated with cleaner or stripper). (2) Place a clean plastic liner into a mop bucket equipped with a wringer. Pour ROCK CANDY into plastic liner. (3) Submerge the mop into finish and wring out until drip free. (4) Frame off an area by drawing the mop in a straight line 4 inches out from all edges. (5) Fill in framed section applying finish in a figure 8 pattern. Re-wet mop as needed to apply at the rate of 2,000 square feet per gallon. (6) Follow these procedures and apply first coat of ROCK CANDY to the entire floor and allow to air dry thoroughly. (7) Apply a second coat and all additional coats of finish following procedures outlined in steps 4 through 6. For final coat only, apply finish up to all edges and allow to thoroughly dry. NOTE: Do NOT apply more than 3 coats of ROCK CANDY in any 24 hour period.