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MAX YOUR ENCAP! Your Source For Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Supplies
MAX YOUR ENCAP! Your Source For Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Supplies

How Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Works

How Soil Affects Carpet

Most dry soil in a commercial setting can be readily removed with routine dry vacuuming. It's the oily and sticky soil that clings to the carpet and degrades its appearance. The result is an ugly drab-gray-dull appearance. Removing the soil that's binding to the carpet fiber is the goal of good carpet cleaning. Encapsulation cleaning simplifies the process of soil recovery.

Carpets Clean Up Easier & Stay Clean Longer

Carpet can retain a high appearance level when working with a high-quality crystallizing encapsulation detergent. The crystallizing polymer component resists soil. Thus a bright and clean carpet can be enjoyed day-in-day-out, and the life of the carpet can be extended accordingly. Common commercial carpet problems like wicking and recurring spill stains are also eliminated. And a good encapsulation system can yield high cleaning rates of 2,000-3,000 square feet per hour (or greater).

Dries to a crystal
releases from the carpet
and resists re-soiling.

Effective encapsulation cleaning requires a detergent that's formulated with a good crystallizing encap polymer. As shown below (Releasit dried in a petri dish). As the carpet gets scrubbed, the soil is released from the fiber. As the Releasit solution dries, the soil is held in suspension. The encapsulated soil then releases from the carpet as the fiber flexes, and gets recovered through routine vacuuming.
Max Your Encap with Releasit
Releasit Encap-Clean DS2 Encap Cleaner